Migrains (Top voted first)


I just started taking amitriptyline 7 months ago for migrains. It started to help in the begging but now 7 months later it isnt doing much. i am on 20mg daily. Is anyone else taking this medican for migrains and if so let me know what you think about it.

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It seems like you need to increase dosage. I read that it's possible to take 150mg daily.(says it on the box). But you might not need that much. P.S, I'm Not a Dr.

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Amitriptyline is a generic for Elavil, this is an antidepressant,which has also shown to be useful for some other conditions, such as migraines.

In this case, yes, your body may have adjusted to your current dosage so it is no longer effective. You should speak to your doctor, they may need to adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medication.

Some of this drugs most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision.

You can read more about the medication here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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I too have been taking this drug for about 6 months at the 20mg dosage for migraines.Before I was on it I was getting sometimes 3-4 Migraines a week and sometimes 2 in a day .It worked really well and I only had 1 migraine in the first 4 months but now I have had a couple of them again in the last month.

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I also take it for migraines, a 10mg dose once every night before bed. It works wonders, but I do supplement it with a tablet of Mygrafew every morning. The two coupled together have done wonders for my headaches.

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I was taking 10mg amitriptylene for headaches and migraine. Helped a lot for about 4 months, then had a period of constant crippling headaches for about 10 days. Thought I'd go mad. Doctor then increased dosage to 20mg and headaches subsided very quickly.

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