23 Topics Foundprescription from Mexico ## I think it translates to Cephalexin an antibiotic ## Cefalexina does translate to Cephalexin. I was prescribed the antibiotic while in Mexico when I had a throat and sinus infection that I tought was strep throat. The particular brand that I was prescribed was Collins Facelit 500mg pills. ## I also was subscribed this medicine while in mexico, but they didn't put the dosage. I have that terrible flu and don't know how many to take. ## I got it while in mexico, it worked great to get rid of my sinus infection, one a day. Gave to my daughter today to get rid of hers ## ANEED CEPHALEXIN.500.MLG MONOHIDRATE ## cefalexina...is this keflexin? ## my doctor in the US gave me a sample to treat an upper respiratory infection. It is supposed to distroy the walls...
What types of infections is this antibiotic used for? How long & at what dosages per day does one take it? And, is it in any way related to penicilin-based antibiotic drugs? ## Cephalexin is a cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia and bone, ear, skin, and urinary tract infections. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. The dosage guidelines for this medication state the following: It is usually taken every 6 hours (four times a day) or every 12 hours (twice a day) for 7-10 days. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Cephalexin usually comes in doses of 500mg capsules (as it did for me in the past); b...
This is an antibiotic good for getting rid of mucus, leading to a chronic cough. It has been successful several times for me and saved me a doctor's vi$it. Take two the first day and one each day following for five days. ## Thank you for your post, I really hope it's beneficial to someone. There is one important thing to remember though, as an antibiotic, Cephalexin is not effective at treating the viruses that cause most common colds that may cause such mucous to be a problem. It will also not treat allergies, which could be another reason for one to be full of mucous. Learn more Cefalexina details here. As an antibiotic, it is only effective against bacterial infections and improper use of it may lead to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Thus, one does have to ...
500 mg white oval shape ## This tablet contains 500mgs of Cephalexin, this is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. You can read more on it here: Do you have any other questions?
is this drug for people elergic to penicilina ## Cephalexin is an antibiotic like Penicillin, although it is not the same medication. It is prescribed for a variety of reasons, and may not have anything to do with somebody being allergic to Penicillin. If you would like to read more about this medication, please see:
The pill is an elongated oval shaped pressed pill with a line in the middle. The color is an off white with a slight yellowish tinge and seams to not be coated. I would like to see a picture of the original cefalexina lexigen pill. The bottle was open and I want to be sure it has the correct pills in it. Also it has a fairly strong smell.
can this be given to my 80lbs, 7 yr old, mix breed dog for chronic ear infection, and what dosage? ## Hi robin, Although many vets prescribe this medication for its off-label use to dogs, there are a number of people reporting the dangers associated with doing so. I also read that it is not FDA approved for veterinary use. Here's one article of many on the topic: mycropht.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/a-warning-for-dog-owners/ Have you looked into any natural alternatives? ## Dear David, OMG!!! Thank you so much for your answer re: keflex & same antibiotic (differant name)! Just a couple hours ago gave to lil'bit, 80lbs mixed breed male........never again will i administer any drug w/out vet approval. The article you submitted was heartbreaking, but i hope w/ all my heart their d...
Can I use this for my dogs ear infection? If I can how much per day and for how long? thank you ## Hi Cin, Are you referring to Cephalexin perhaps? If so, based on my research this medication is an antibiotic that is used both in dogs and cats to treat bacterial infections. Side effects can include (but are not limited to): diarrhea and vomiting. The dosage for your dog should only be determined by your veterinarian to be sure you don't give him/her too much or too little. The dosage can vary depending on certain factors like weight, severity of the condition, and medical history. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Cephalexin Details Do you have any more questions?
Is antibiotic? ## Yes, it is Cephalexin, used to treat various types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, skin rash and drowsiness. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## im in mexico and got lab test that i had histolytica and bacteria -bacilos 35% ans cocos 65%. dr put me on metronidazol-400mg 3x a day for five days and also secnidazol -500mg for 4 days twice a day. after waiting 10 days i went back to lab . the new results were negative on the histolytica but the Bacilos was 40% and Cocos 60%. the dr then put me on 4 days , 3 x a day 500mg of Cefalexina. does this sound right. im so concerned about taking more antibiotics bcos they create alot of pain in my gastrointestinal track. what do you think, please? are there altern...
What are they used for?. what kind of antibiotic are they? can they be used for breathing or lung infections? ## Hi Cheryl, From what I could gather, both of these antibiotics are known as Cephalexin (U.S. generic name); which is used to treat infections caused by bacteria, including upper respiratory infections (breathing, etc), ear infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections. Learn More: Cefalexin Details Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Is that antibiotic good,or helps for gonorrea infections?
I have infection in my mouth due to a hole in my teeth can I take this meds ## Hello, Keshia! How are you? The FDA classifies Cephalexin as an antibiotic that can be used to treat various types of bacterial infections, so you can take it, as long as your doctor or dentist have said it's appropriate. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. However, trying to diagnose and treat it on your own isn't a good idea, you may not have enough of the antibiotic to fully eradicate the infection, it might be the wrong one and you'll still need to tooth repaired, or the infection will keep returning. Is there anything else I can help with?
I have Mexican Cefalexina 500mg capsules. Would the dosage for an adult be 2 tablets daily? What should the capsules look like? ## Cephalexin is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. As to what it looks like, I cannot tell you, since I do not know who the manufacturer is, the tablets or capsules vary from one company to the next. The normal prescribing frequency for this is to take them 4 times a day! ## can this be given to my 80 lb dog safely? ## should have specified: can this be given to my 80lb dog safely for a chronic ear infection? ## Hi. I have cefalexina lexigen 500 from mexico, can you tell me how many to take per day and for how long? I have a upper respitory inffection. ## Looking...
In the morning I always get mucous-like saliva and it has a really bad smell. I think it has to do with some of my non-real teeth. I was wondering if cefalexina/ambroxol will help in any way? And how much should I use? ## Based on my research, Ambroxol is a mucolytic agent that helps thin mucus; whilist Cefalexina (Cefalexin) is used to treat a variety infections caused by bacteria. If you were diagnosed with or believe you may have an upper respiratory infection or some sort, this may prove to be very helpful in that regard, due to the sheer potency of each active ingredient. However I can't offer any dosing advice since this type of information may be different on a case by case basis. Did you not receive this medication from a legitimate doctor/pharmacy?
Can I give my eight-year-old cefalexina/ambroxol? I took him to the doctor and they told me to give him a pill every eight hours. I'm worried because they look big and they are 500 mg and 30 mg. ## The Cephalexin is an antibiotic that's used to treat various types of infections and the 500mgs is a pretty standard dosage to treat most of them. Learn more Cephalexin details here. Ambroxol is most commonly used to help break up and remove excessive mucous, such as that associated with a cold and that is also a fairly standard dosage. Learn more Ambroxol details here. However, if you are concerned, then you should speak to a doctor, or pharmacist/chemist. Are there any other comments or questions?
What the FALEXIN (CEFALEXINA) 500 mg cures for? And What the ERITROMICINA (GENTROMICINA) 500 mg cure for? Thank you much. ## Cephalexin and Erythromycin are both antibiotics, they are used to treat many different types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. You can read more on them here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## What is the equivelent to this drug in the US? ## Would the antibiotic Cefalexina work for an ulcer?
What are these for? I was given Falexin 500mg in Mexico, but don't know anything about them. They are blue and white capsules. ## From what information I was able to gather, Falexin is a brand name for Cephalexin (cefalexina); which comes in 500mg doses. They are manufactured by a pharmaceutical company called Farabi based in Iran. You can view the company's page in the link below: Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate any information on "andromex" listed in your description. I hope the above information helps! ## Does Falexin contain Penicillin? I am unable to take Penicillin and need an antibiotic. ## Is this the same as azithromycin tablets?
Im alergic to penicillin. Is it okay to take cefalexina? ## Hello, Ronald! How are you? Cephalexin is in a different class of antibiotics, but there is always a risk that you may be allergic to it also. When you're allergic to one medication, you usually end up finding more that cause allergic reactions. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
Can u use cefalexina 500mg to treat staff infection ## Hi PonchoA, According to various medical references, cephalexin can be used for the treatment of skin and skin structure infections that are likely caused by staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes. Learn More: Cefalexin Details Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## I have a super bad staff infection in 2 of my toes ,I severed my siaotic nerve 2 yrs ago (on the bottom of my foot)and I've had no feeling from my knees down to my feet so when I got a blood blister on one of my toes from my new shoes I didn't notice it until it got infected ,so I sterilized a needle and popped it wow within 3 days it had turned into a nasty sore and within 1 week it had spread to my big toe ...
I Have An Abses In My Mouth Can Take Cefalexina 500 Mgfor the infection ## Hi lori, Cephalexin is actually commonly used for treating these types of dental infections, as well as many others. Did your dentist recommend it to you after a procedure? The usual adult dose for a bacterial infection is 500 mg orally every 6 hours for 7 to 21 days, depending on the nature and severity of the infection. Learn More: Cefalexin Details I hope this helps!
It's a green and yellow capsule has no numbers or writing on the pill. The bottle it's in says Cefalexina and Novelexin, could be Keflex. Is this an antibiotic for dogs? ## Then we cannot possibly give you a definitive ID on it. Sorry. It has to be either something from outside the US or an OTC med. All prescription meds sold in the US are required to have unique imprints for ID purposes. On this one, unless you would pay to have it lab tested, there is no way to know for sure what it is. ## its a green and yellow capsule has no numbers or writing pill The bottle it's in says Cefalexina and Novelexin could be Keflex. Is this an antibiotic for dogs? ## Keflex is a antibiotic yes but not just for dogs people take them to Tmwr Cpht reg.