Want My Life Back Opana Aka The Devil Has Taken My Soul!! (Top voted first)


i am currently prescribed 4 40mg tablets a day i sniff them and do anywhere from 2-3 a day on a bad day 4 within 22 hrs it has taken my soul i want my life back!! ive tried to cut back it never works ive tried taken it orally and i still went threw mild withdrawls! it seems every 4hrs i start withdrawling!! someone pls help!! i want off this s*** ASAP!! i want my life back! i bought some subutex on the street lastnite jut dont know when i can start it i dont want to put myyself into precipitated withdrawls!!! someone anyone pls help me! any and all advice welcomed!

4 Replies

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I feel for both of you because I am an opiate addict, and it took me 30+ years to get clean, I started with dihydrocodeine and ended up with heroin. I just want to say that the opiates you are addicted to have nothing to do with the devil, that kind of talk will make you feel nothing but guilt. I am not a doctor, but I implore you both to go to your doctor and tell him/her what is happening so you can get on a taper or maintenance plan. I have been on Methadone Maintenance for many years, but I would never suggest it before you try everything else. I would ask your doctor to put you on suboxone, for some people it is a miracle drug, especially if you haven't been using opiates for many years..Please don't buy these drugs on the street, you need to be stablized by your doctor so you can get off of the Opana No one here will judge you like on other sites, so don't ever worry about that. You have a diesase called addiction, and it is treatable but if you keep using it is a fatal diesase..Please keep in touch and as for the heroin, people are dying from the crap that they are cutting it with, I went to so many of my friends funerals, that it breaks my heart..Please just get the help you need to stay away from this crap..keep in touch, I usally come on this site a few times a week, or anytime I get an email from here

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Ah I've been addicted to opana and I would do the saethg they are the devil I love em but the only way to get off from them is to get a suboxen subutex sux I think jus do a line of the suboxin everytime u widthdrawn and u will b through your with drawls with in days trust me I do this all the time I'll go on a month binge of opana or Evan heroin and jus buy a sub they are a miricle I seriously think it only takes a day and you won't widthdrawls anymore jus don't do any other opiats on them because they hav a blocker In them that will make you sick wait atleast four hours befor you do and opiats but yeah try that for sure it takes care of widthdrawls jus not the feeling that you want one that stays there n

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I know exactly were u r coming from I have been there for a lot of years. The very best thing u can do is be honest with your doc. I know it sucks but its the best thing for ya. I just recently did it. I was also on 4 40mg opana a day for years. Now I'm on a suboxone program n its working it took about 8 - 10 days of pure hell but I finally think its happening for me. I hope the best for u. And in my opinion its the only way to" get your life back". Its hard but it works. Suboxone is not a miracle pill but after it builds up it does work. Good luck.

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Narcotic medications are well known to be habit forming and addictive, so stopping them at any point can cause serious problems, such as withdrawals and rebound effects.

As has already been suggested here, a Suboxone treatment program is probably your best option. It has helped many people successfully beat drug addiction and become completely drug free.

You can check the website Suboxone.com to find a doctor near you that provides treatment with it and you can learn more about it and its use here:


Does anyone else have any comments or experiences to add?

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