Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 2)
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I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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I am taking nuvigil and metformin extended release too. Not sure which on is making me sick to my stomach and messing my head up.

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yes I have, it caused inverted T waves, shortness of breath chest pains. I had full work up on heart.

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I had tremors and on my ride home after work i had alot of hallucinations and all day i had chest pains onthe. Left side

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I took nuvigil for 4 months I've been off of it for 6 weeks approximately. My hair is falling out in clumps and I have lost 40 pounds over 10# of which I've lost since I've been off the medication is this normal? I weighed 158# now I weigh 119#. I'm even eating late at nite to try & get control of it. and of course I've gone back to having extreme fatigue everyday. Help! before I shrivel up and blow away.thank you

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I have no side effects from any of my meds. Who ever is posting things in my name is wrong and do not appreciate who ever gave you the information you received Is there any way I can find out whom is doing this . All the meds I have been prescribed are working well for me. I get up in the mornings drink my coffee and then take my meds. Most mornings after breakfast I do my chores which consist of cleaning which hurts to do because of my back problems and my legs hurt. I have arthritis and ostioparoious . Which is in my left hip. My back I was told when I was around 50 that I had the back of a 80 yr. old . Even went to a chiropractor back then he said I worked to hard and played to hard in my youth. I also have MS. But I try not to let it get me down but some days after I do major cleaning for a week I hurt so bad that I have to stay in bed and rest . If it was not for the Nuvigil I would still be having what I call black outs . I would fall asleep regardless of where I was. I could here what was being said but when i tryed to respond it was off the subject. Since taking Nuvigil I no longer have these problems. I use to be afraid to drive for fear of falling to sleep.

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swollen tongue with canker soars is happening to me now... i've tried wakalert, just mild headaches... i have nuvigil now, almost positive that's whats causing it

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I feel the same in the morning. Almost paralyzed!

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I have been in the ER for what I thought was a heart attack, my heart pounds, I feel like I have the flu, I can't sleep, short of breath, no energy, sweating profusely at the slightest exertion. I have questioned that the nuvigil was causing all my symptoms just not sure, pharmacist says that the medication is great...............think she's wrong.
I am 64 years old and the script was written because I have sleep apnea, and chronic fatigue. Nuvigil is not for me in spite of my high hopes.

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I have MS and my Nurologist prescribed me Methadone for pain. I have a problem where I can sleep for 20+ hours so he prescribed me Nuvigil. Am I wasting my time taking both? All through the night my whole body hurts and in the mornings I can't hardly get out of the bed because my arms and hands and legs don't want to work the are so stiff I have to start working them before I can get up.

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LOVE IT! Changed my life

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I can say that Nuvigil has LITERALLY saved my life! It took forever for my old insurance to decide if they would let me have a sleep study to determine if I indeed had Narcolepsy. After 6 WEEKS of my Dr. fighting with them, I went in for the test. It came back positive. I was having issues driving just a half hour to work plus dropping off the kids at school in the am. I kept falling asleep at the wheel (and crashed into something. Not sure what....with my daughter in the car with me), falling asleep at work all the time. I ended up looking my job over this condition because I was 2 weeks over FMLA. Wow! My life was then turned completely over. In a bad way. I had no insurance. I needed many medications, and a family to support. I was given information for the Cefelon Cares Foundation. What a blessing! There was NO WAY I could pay for the Nuvigil I needed. We tried some generic brands of other drugs, but they didn't work. I started off almost 2 years ago taking Nuvigil 50mg. It seemed to help once my body got used to it. About two weeks. No side effects that I can remember. About 8 months later I noticed I was starting to get tired half way though the day. So we bumped up to 150mg. Had some insomnia, but took some Melatonin and helped for a bit but then needed the help of Lunesta. Still no other big side effects. About a month ago I sat down with my Dr. to explain I was feeling tired again half way though the day and was falling asleep at the wheel again. So we updated my dose of Nuvigil to 250mg. Days BEFORE I had even started to take the new dose, I started to feel shortness of breath. Shrugged it off. The day I took the 250mg I immediately started to feel my heart race, headache and confusion. I associated it with my body needing to adjust to the new dose. 5 days after taking the new dose, I started to have symptoms of a heart attack. I have PVST, which is a form of tachycardia that occurs from time to time. But it was different. I got a sudden sharp pain in my left shoulder, confusion (not even able to answer simple questions), fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and not able to stand steady as if I were to faint. I work at a hospital, so I was able to quickly go to the DR. They monitor me, do an LEG, and a chest x-Ray. They said it was do to the change of dose in my Nuvigil and sent me on my way. I am still having shortness of breath and tachycardia so my Dr. is ordering for me to have a Holter monitor to see what my heart is doing. I LITERALLY can not function without this medication. Thinking we might have to go back down to the 150mg and just drink some energy drinks to me me going. We shall see. *After finally being able to get a job after being out of work for over a year because of my Narcolepsy, I don't want to loose this one as well. I started working when I was 13 by getting my workers permit and that was the 1st time I was ever without a job. It was a big blow to me. (Even when in college full time, I worked 2 full time and 2 part time jobs!) I am only 28 years old and could not imagine myself either not working because of my condition or going into cardiac arrest and die because I am trying to find a way to be able to work.

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Once again, I'll speak. Nuvigil makes the lips dry. It's natural to get a sore if you don't use vaseline or another skin product. If very tired, Nuvigil is known not to work. If you read the literature you'll see that. For any metabolism Nuvigil takes a longer time to work than people think. Headaches from to much. As I said before, small doses are better until you have built resistance enough to handle a bit more. If taken right, Nuvigil can keep you up for days. With that comes side effects. I wish it could keep me up more. I crash as some of you do. I, however was crashing before I started Nuvigil. As some said, no energy, Take a look at other reasons as well. Depression is well known for sleeping days away. Narcolepsy also. If you want to know about this drug, study the literature, ask neurologists as well as your general practioner. There is m ore to Nuvigil than meets the eye. I will be sending some of your thoughts to my doctor. Although great, he's human. You are the only one who has the time to find out what you are putting in your body and what interactions it may have with the other stuff you take.

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I am not positive that Nuvigil did this, but it is a strange coincidence if it didn't. I take Suboxone everyday and have for years. It makes me very drowsy when I drive, but it is a miracle drug and it has saved my life. (even though the drug mfg keeps the price obscenely high). About 4 years ago, I drove a car across the country and my doctor gave me Provigil to help with my drive. It did a wonderful job and I had no problems at all. I need to drive another car across the country so I asked my doctor again for the Provigil to help me with the drive and this time he gave me Nuvigil. He said it was the same stuff but better. He advised me to try it before I started the drive to make sure I didn't have any reactions. So I did..I took a 150 mg pill the first day and I felt very anxious but had energy for most of the day. When it wore off that afternoon, I felt absolutely drained. The next day I again took a pill. I felt horrible...hard to explain, but it was awful. I also developed several mouth sores. I know you are supposed to stop immediately if you have sores, but any type of "stimulant" gives me mouth sores so I took it one more day to try to get over the side effects so I could begin my drive. I took the 150 mg for about a week before I started having pain in my abdomen and back. It feels like my internal organs had been run over by a truck. I am nauseated and and very fatigued. I have a burning, gnawing feeling in my stomach that gets worse at night. I have not taken this poison in a week now, but the pain in my abdomen which radiates to the back has not gone away. I have no energy and have a hard time sleeping. The pain and gnawing is really bad at night. I have tried to get into see a doctor in Tennessee, but since I am from California, I am not having any luck. I don't know if a Walk-In Clinic can do any blood work to see if I have stomach ulcers or Pancreatitis or liver problems.....but something is very wrong and I don't think I cannot drive from Tennessee to LA any time soon. I can't get off the is hard to even type this. I have always been fairly healthy so I have never felt anything like this. I blame the Nuvigil. It is too much of a coincidence.

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My Girlfriend was given this med (150mg) and today is day 3. She has stomach and back pain, vomiting, Head and neck aches but there is no fever or anything. She has pretty much been in bed since day 2. Day one she took the full tablet and was a total speed freak. She was all over the place. Day two she took half a pill and has not been good at all. This is day three at 11:47am and she is still in bed doubled over in pain. I am trying to do everything I can to keep her as comfortable as I can. She does not want to go to the ER. She is insisting on going to her doc monday morning. Oh, and she has not had any of this Nuvigil at all today. I won't let her take it.

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I began taking Nuvigil perhaps 3 years ago? What I've just read from many of you tells me you don't understand the drug interaction with your body very well. 1st., Nuvigil should be given in low doses at first. It is addicting. It does cause constipation. Speak with your Dr. about Lactulose or something else for constipation. Nuvigil seems to tighten and cause my metabilism to slow down a lot but that is very subjective. If you have severe back pain which is also caused by constipation, Lactulose does help. A working metabilism is a must, fast or slow. The constipation also causes cramps. Any stimulant can cause neck pain, headaches and more. Don't think it works quickly. It takes quite some time for you to wake up. If you're already on a tranquilzer it may help but don't start them if you don't need them. A lot of water can help. It took me a long time to study Nuvigil's effects on my body. I hope this helps some of you.
I have a severe sleeping problem. I can sleep for 4 days straight and don't have the strength to stay up more than a short while. We don't know what it is yet. Nuvigil gave me a pounding heart at first so I cut it in quarters. I now use more than 250 mgs a day but I don't seem to have a problem with it. The most one should take daily is 500 mgs. I know most people don't need that amount I have many conditions including Severe Essential Tremor, severe back pain, and a slew of other stuff. The Nuvigil helps very much. With Narco it seems to keep me up and working. I have quit painkillers to see if they caused anything but after 3 months I knew why I needed them. Pain. Still I sleep so much that I'm not functioning properly.

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Same identical thing with me. Wait until you have grounded your teeth and need dentures. Happened to me in a matter of a few months.

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Absolutely identical thing with me.

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This same thing happened to me this morning. Anxiety attack so bad I called EMS bcz shortness of breath and weakening in legs, sweaty hands& feet, and..the very first thing I noticed within abt 45min of taking 150mg tab was 'blurred vision'.
Im desperate to combat my horrible fatigue but,..not sure this is for me.
Thank You ALL for your posts. Now I know it's not just me.

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keep changing my doses don't work I took 450mg to see if it would help nope same after couple hours I was so sleepy I couldn't hold my head up!! what the hell.... what's wrong with me!!!!!

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You've got the same issue as I do, I've also been taking it for almost two years now. I just kinda thought it may be due to my job. I eventually went to a neuro doctor and he says I have carpel tunnel... How did your visit go?

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