Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 11)
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I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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Ive been on Nuvigil for 3 days. I feel great... Yes at times I get a little nauseous and have a slight headache but I contacted my doctor and she told me my body has to get use to it. I cant actually say it is the Nuvigil that is causing this reaction or the 1000mg of Metformin I take 2 times a day! I will keep everyone updated on my progress!!

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Started taking Nuvigil 3 weeks ago. Worked great at first! Then I still felt tired, but strange. Last night I started feeling like someone was sitting on my chest, I had to take really deep breaths and my right arm and shoulder were hurting. I called the doc today, who said it probably wasn't related to the Nuvigil. I'm 26 with no other problems other than the sleep disorder, so I know it was the med. I'm def not taking it anymore! My shoulder and arm still hurts, a little short of breath but i'm hoping that will go away soon as long as I stop taking it.

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I started Nuvigil 3 days ago and have had some bad side effects, my stomach is nauseous and cramping so bad, nothing will relieve it. I am also having extreme dry mouth and a weird tic with my tongue that makes me feel like a freak. Also tonight I have insomnia even after taking my Lunesta and doing all my go to sleep methods nothing is working so I decided to check out the side effects of this new med and bingo this is it, no more nuvigil for me and from someone that was just diagnosed as severly sleep deprived I sure didn't need this. I wander if the manufacturer will compensate me for the missed work due to their side effects? :)

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Been taking Nuvigil for about 2 weeks. Stopped taking it 3 days ago after experiencing severe pain/burning in my chest/stomach area that radiated to my back, head ache in the back of my head and neck, then for the past few days I have this tingling sensation all over my body, mostly in my head. My stomach feels some better, I did feel very bloated... but the headaches and tingling is still very harsh. I pretty much feel like I hit a wall... crash and burned. Sounds like some very similar situations out there. As much as it seemed to be working at first... I won't take it anymore either. Probably need to go see my doctor to let him know. I thought it was just me, but I am thinking it is not.

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I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who experienced the chest pain. I threw all of my Nuvigil down the toilet because I knew the overwhelming tiredness would make me stupid enough to give it another try. I loved the good side of this drug, but the bad side just isn't worth the risk, especially since I have no idea why I had such a bad reaction or why I still don't feel right almost two weeks later.

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i took nuvigil for 4 days, low dose, around 60mg, loved it, was optomistic, worked out, cut through the bs, but severe muscle pains, and some nausea on day 4....complete insomnia, but I can remedy that w a xanax...chest pans scared me so I stopped taking it. Then I felt like the oxygen was being sucked out of my lungs, scary!!! Now it's been almost 3 weeks and I've had severe constipatin, still have chest (heart?) pains and my period came 2 weeks early. Really through my body off just after 4 days. Now I'm still really sleepy and unmotivated. I drink caffeine, but it doesn't do anything, which tempts me to pop a nuvigil again, but I'm too scared, also pigged out after and can't get full! I loved this drug, but side effects over the top!

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Had horrible experience with Nuvigil on third day. Extreme stomach pain along with a strong aching feeling in the middle of my chest (apparently a side-effect from bloating, as it was relieved with belching). I haven't read about this particular experience anywhere else, but I know it was the Nuvigil because it happened again, several days later, when I decided to give it one more try.

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It has definitely curbed the sleepiness, but I'd compare it to makeup over a pimple, I am still tired, but it feels masked. I have had some anxiety/irritability toward the end of the day, just finishing two week sample, not sure if I will continue.

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I only took for 2 days, but went into severe anxiety attacks. Chest pains and hard time concentrating. I;m fine in the morning, but around noon the panick attacks kick in. Decided it wasn't worth it, would rather be tired, but it's the third day and I didn't take the meds today, but still having the panic. I've even on clonozapan for panic attacks and haven't had any in a year until I took this med. Beware it you are prone to anxiety. I'd pass on this med.

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Is anyone having horrible pain in the muscles of their neck, especially in the back of my neck while eating. It's unbearable at times.

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i have been having a similar side effect w/nuvigil regarding the tingling. it doesn't happen every time i take it... maybe once every three times i take it. about 6-8 hours after, i can't really think... and i have horrible tingling as if i can almost feel my heart beating and nerves in my arms. it lasts 30 minutes to an hour. i don't know if i should quit taking it. when i don't have the side effects, it works wonderfully.

is this a normal side effect???

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I read a report here last night that I cant find now, but After taking Nuvigil for 10 days, I am having severe back muscle pain radiating with numbness and tingling down my left side.No, it is not my heart, I have had another medication (statins) do this because i have severe radicalopthy in my neck and back muscles. But the numbness and pain is about 8 on the pain scale.I stopped it today, so I pray it will go away

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I took my first Nuvigil pill this morning around 6:30 am. I wigged out so bad like I was on speed. I don't recall the drive into work, shaking/tremors, confusion and everything is kind of dark. Vision is not blurry just seems darkened. Kinda scary. Called my doctor, spoke to a nurse, waiting on a call back. It seems to be calming down a bit, but it was really bad for a while.

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Nuvigil contains the active ingredient Armodafinil, it is a stimulant.

What you are experiencing IS NOT listed as a normal side effect, you should call your doctor immediately, as this may be a serious condition in need of treatment.

You can learn more about this medication here:

Nuvigil Click Here

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