Micebrin Also Known As Generix (Top voted first)


I used a multivitamin known as micebrin by lily pharmacutical a long time ago and was very satisfied with the results.However, I've found out that they no longer mfg. it and am interested in finding a substitute of same quality and make-up.

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I am interested in Mi-Cebrin T. I have an actual copy of the label. How could I send it to you?

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Re: Peggy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I would love to have a copy. Could you email me?

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Hi, Jerry! How are you?

Unfortunately, since it has been discontinued, I haven't been able to find a listing of exactly what it contained and the dosages.

However, there are many great multivitamin products available, both via prescription and over the counter.

Have you talked to your doctor about it? They can most likely suggest one that may be good for you to take.

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