Liquid Oramorph (Top voted first)


I am on palexia/ tapentadol 500mg sr and 100mg ir as well as up to 50 mg of oramorph . I eventually get some pain relief after taken the total dose of oramorph which is 10mg every two hours. Instead of having to wait the 8-10 hours for the oramorph to kick in could i safely double or treble the dose of oramorph at the beginning of the evening when i take my first dose

4 Replies

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Hello, Geo! How are you?

I'd not suggest changing your dosage, unless your doctor approves. These narcotics can cause depression of the central nervous system, which may result in lowered heart rate and blood pressure, so too high of a dose could put you in danger.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Are you saying it takes 8 to 10 hours, before you feel the Oramorph working?

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Thanks for the reply . I seem to get some pain relief only after i have taken my last 10mg of the oramorph, i think i am trying to say that even taking all my pain meds , i need the total combination of all the meds before i get relief. If i don't take the last dose of oramorph then the pain relief isn't there . So rather than having to wait the eight hours to take all the meds could i not take 20mgs of oramorph over a shorter period rather than the 10mgs every 2 hours until it kicks in . I am sorry if i am not making sense . As it stands i am allowed to take 10mg every 2 hours maximum dose 40mgs . Could i just not take 20mgs twice over a shorter period basically double my dose but over a four hour period rather than eight

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I have been prescribed oramrph solution. 2.5mg to be taken.label states 10mg/ much do i take

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I was given oramorph oral solution 10mg/5ml last August after days of backpain and other medication which did not work. Oramorph cleared it up iimmediatel. Now l am experiencing the same and l still have this bottle. Can l use it after so many months?

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