Clindamax 2% Vaginal Cream Pdm (Top voted first)



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I have been dealing with a BV bacterial vaginosis for about 2 years. I have used several home remedies, and oral antibiotics and vaginal antibiotics, and the last one estrace, which really made it worse. The clindaMax 2% cream has helped the most. but I only used it once a week. HELP. I don't know what to do to get rid of this. I went to my care provider and she has tried to help me. I also went to a gynocologist but he was not much help. He gave me a leaflet and meds. and said it is considered a STD. I have NEVER been with anyone but my husband of 41 years, and I believe with my heart and sole he has been faithful to me. We are always together. We have been in love since I was 16, he is my high school sweet heart. I trust him with my life. Again HELP !!!

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Has your husband had any type of tests to see if he may also be infected? That could be why you just can't get rid of it and he may also need treatment.

This happens with some yeast infections, as well. If he's infected and you are having sex, then you will just keep getting it back over and over, until he is also treated.

Clindmaz contains the antibiotic Clindamycin.

Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and skin irritation.

You can read more about it here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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