About Imdur And Its Effects And Side Effects (Top voted first)


Doctor prescribed Imdur for my Dad as he got heart attack. But he was getting severe headache once he started this. So i went to doctor and told the same and he told to stop using imdur. Is this fine if he discontinues using this. What are the disadvantages of discontinuing this pill

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my dr put me on isosorb mono 60mg generic for imdur it is giving me a headache i cannot bear and i have had headachesfor two weeks since i stoped i have got to have some relive thank you

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A headache can be a common side effect of Imdur, along with nausea, dizziness, flushing, and hypotension.

The terrible headaches are the most common reason people discontinue it, but be careful to only do so, if your doctor approves.

Is there anything I can help with?

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