Why Am I Still Bleeding?? (Top voted first)


So i have been on my menstrual for almost 2 months and i seen my obgyn about a month ago and she prescribed prov-era once a day and said that it would stop the bleeding! Its now been 3 and a half weeks since i been taking the prov-era and i am still bleeding and She prescribed megestrol 20 mg for me to take along with it. Will this finally work??? Im so frustrated!!

2 Replies

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There is no way that anyone can tell you definitively, it can vary from woman to woman, since we are all different. It can be a matter of trial and error to find what works for any given one of us to stop such an issue.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of these medications as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and PMS-like symptoms.

How old are you? Are you on any other medications? How heavy is the bleeding? Have you ever tried oral contraceptives to correct your cycle?

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I took that and it helped for 3 months. Now i'm back to my heavy periods. I'm on megestrol (40mg) and it's working. I love it. No side effects at all.

How long does it take to stop my period completely, now that I've been on it for 5 days?

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