Sulfamethoxazole Forums (Page 3)

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my tongue is red, swollen, looks like deep lines or cracks in it. very irritated and most foods dont even have a taste just burn or numbness. was wondering if it could be caused by any of these new meds the Dr. recently put me on. they are, Sulfamethoxazole-TMPDS tablets, Clindamycin HCL 100 MG capsules,or Nabumetone 500 MG tablet ## My tongue is bright red... I was on Sulfamethoxazole-TMPDS tablets for a UTI and had blood in my urine >>>I just finished my meds and yesterday and my tongue is burnig ## After taking the antibiotic, which is a generic for Bactrim, it's possible that you've both developed thrush, which is an oral yeast infection. If so, it requires treatment with an antifungal medication that you can take orally and the only ones available will require a...

4 REPLIES Updated

If one is HIV positive and is given Ilvitrim, does that mean that have to take those pills forever or only when necessary? ## What has your doctor advised? Ilvitrim contains the active ingredients Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim, it is an antibiotic that is used to treat or prevent infections, which can be very dangerous to someone that is HIV positive. In many countries, it is sold under the brand name Bactrim, so you can learn more about it here: However, only your doctor is going to be able to let you know how long you need to take it. ## Can. I give the baby alvitrim with differen time? ## I give my child ivtrim at dffrnt tym is fyn ## Is it necessary to give my baby ilvitrim if I'm feeding her formula? ## If iam HIV negative and given iivitrim by my doc when I Finnish treatme...

5 REPLIES Updated

Extreme tooth ache (infection) reoccurring of course. The only option to eliminate the pain and infection is a dentist. Of course I do not have that option right now. I haven't for a long time. Thus reoccurring tooth pain(infection). I have taken Clindamycin in the past for a tooth infection. But right now I only have the Sulfameth-Trimethoprim 800/160mg tabs. From what I have read it is not often prescribed for a tooth infection. But for a bacterial infection yes. So I am giving it a try. If it works I will update you. If it doesn't then it's a trip to the Emergency room for a numbing shot and a prescription for antibiotics that I might or might not be able to pay for. Tooth aches, abscess, or infection. Honest to God worst pain imaginable. That says alot Because I have bee...

1 REPLY Updated

what is this drug, what is for exatly what type of desease ## Ilvitrim contains the active ingredients Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim, it is an antibiotic that is used to treat "various types of infections". In the U.S. it is commonly prescribed under the brand name Bactrim. You can view a detailed description of the drug by clicking on the link below... Please post back if you have any other general questions or concerns about this drug. ## I have developed 3 to 4 sores on my scalp, I was diagnosed Hiv+ in 2006 and have since being taking ARVs, I recently consulted the clinic and the nurse just said to me its HIV with arrogance & impatience and prescribed ilvitrim in a packet containing 56 tablets, no explanation & for how long must I take this medication? i dont know....

7 REPLIES Updated

My boyfriend drank while on sulfamethoxazole. Now he feels like poop. He is suffering. So my question is, what now? Should he go to the drs again? Wait it out? Obviously he isn't drinking tonight, lol but i also think he should wait to continue the prescription, once the alcohol is out of his system.... These are being taken for more of a "preventive" infection from a spider bite he got at work. So, once he's free of these nasty enhanced side effects he can then continue the prescription (he only took 2 pills, before consuming beer). Thanks in advance. Oh and if you are thinking of drinking while on this, i would think twice. Its equivalent to the flu. ## Hello, Crystal! How are you? Unless his doctor instructs otherwise, it really should just be a matter of waiting it o...

3 REPLIES Updated

i have been recently found out that im HIV positive and was given a months supply of Ivitrim tablets and vitamin B Strong Complex pills. what happens if the supply is finished and what other healthy pills that i have to take and for how long because i was told that my Cd4 count is 370. what is the way forward for me. What do i have to do for a longer life ## Ilvitrim contains Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim, in many countries it is sold under the brand name Bactrim, it is an antibiotic and is used to help treat or prevent infections, because they can be very dangerous if you are HIV positive. As to when they are finished, that really depends on your treatment plan, which you should discuss with your doctor. Do you have a regular physician that you are now seeing for this? They should ...

9 REPLIES Updated

CAN I USE THIS ANTIBIOTIC FOR EAR INFECTION IN BOTH EARS.STRENGTH IS 800-160.WHAT WOULD BE THE DAILY DOSAGE. ## Hello, Carter! How are you? This is classified by the FDA a a broad spectrum antibiotic, so it can be used to treat various types of bacterial infections, if your doctor instructs you that it's appropriate. It's usually taken twice daily for anywhere from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the infection. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Took two sulfamethoxazole temp Ds tablets in stead of dosage of one every twelve hours. Concerned about double dose effects.

2 REPLIES Updated

What kind of lung infection causes chronic and severe wheezing, which doesn't subside even after medication? ## There are several possibilities as reported by the NIH, including asthma, heart failure, and several others. What medications did you take? Do you take any medications regularly? Do you have any diagnosed medical conditions? Have you been checked for pneumonia and TB? ## I had the same symptoms, had Cat Scan and found "tree in bud" looking stuff in right lung which leads to infection of some kind, next hospital to scope lung and get sample for lab. Results came back I have Nocardia Nova bacteria which is in all dirt and water. We had a mfg company moving mountains readying for building for a year. I am on sulfamethoxazole-TMP-DS twice a day for 6-12 months. Cough i...

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So sorry to bother everyone so late. The sulfamethoxazole tablwt can i use that foe treating poision oak? What about clindamycin can i take that for poision oak. I know i need a steroid shot prednisone but sont have the $150 for dr visit. This halpened on saturday. Im about to lose my mind. 1st time in 43 yeara i have ever had reaction. Thought it was ant bites. Im about to make a paate wiyh salt bakinh soda bleach vinehar and alcohol and scrub the heck out of the spots. I have 4-5 groups of blisters on my hamds and feet. Its dricing me nuts. ## No, those medications are antibiotics, so they won't help with this issue, since it is actually an allergic reaction. The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-alle...

1 REPLY Updated

I have been on sulfameth 800mg for 5 days.. It doesn't seem like it's helping this staph infection.. I'm taking 2 a day every 12hrs. I'm prescribed for 10 days.. Should I be concerned that I haven't seen results? Should I stop use? Or is this normal? ## The general rule for antibiotics is that if they are working, you should not see any working after taking them for a full 24 hours, and you should start to see improvement after taking it for a full 3 days. At this point, if nothing has changed, you might need to see your doctor and try a different medication. The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. How are you doing? Has there been any change?

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can this drug be used for strep throat ## Yes, Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim is an antibiotic that is used to treat many types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more: Are there any comments or questions? ## As with any man made antibiotic there is the problem of it killing all bacteria including the bacteria used for digestion.Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, there is a really good one called Garlique. Eat a lot of natural [no jells or fillers] yogurt [any flavor] or take papaya tablets or eat the fruit to help with digestion.You can also by the capsules of acidophilus or the liquid form. ## I am taking SMZ/TMP for bronchitis. Will this medicine help bronchitis?

3 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking sulfamethoxazole 2 times per day for 10 days. Today is the 10th day (my last dose). Can I drink alcohol tomorrow after 24 hours has passed? ## Hello, Michelle! How are you? That should be fine, as long as your doctor approves. However, you should be aware that it could still worsen some of the side effects, so you may feel more drowsy, dizzy and nauseous than usual, as listed by the FDA. One drink may affect you as if you'd had 2 and etc. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Finished the med (sulfamethoxazole) but still feel sick, weak, no energy, dry eyes, dizziness even laying down, & sweats. What's wrong with me?

2 REPLIES Updated

I have an infected tooth and I have some antibiotic that I've never taken called Sulfamethoxazole Tmp. Can I use them? ## Hello, Tete! Sorry about the tooth. You need to see a dentist, even if you already have an antibiotic to take, if there is a dental infection present, it will only help temporarily. Since the antibiotic cannot fix the underlying cause of the infection, such as a deep cary or receding gum line, it will just keep returning. Additionally, there is a chance that it isn't an actual infection and then it would not be appropriate to use an antibiotic and that creates the risk of your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. You can learn more about this medication here: MedlinePlus ## Can sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (800/160mg) be used for teeth infections?

2 REPLIES Updated

I started taking Sulfameth Trimethoprim DS 24 hours ago. It is making me very sleepy, dizzy and slightly nauseated. Is this normal? I'm taking it for a urinary tract infection and I didn't feel this bad before taking this medication! Will it have this effect for 7 days or will I get used to it? I didnt go to work today, but can't afford to lay around for a week. Can somebody please tell me if they have this reaction and what did you do about it ? ## This med makes me sick. I wake up and I feel sick going to bed I feel sick. I'm using it to treat a boil. Its helping but the loss of appetite is true. I can't afford to lose another pound. I'm tired of feeling sick. I think I should stop taking it. ## Was put on SMZ/TMP DS 800-160 tab Interpharm for infection in toe....

21 REPLIES Updated

I was on narcotics for 1 year due to a disk problem. I stopped for 5 weeks and after 2nd week I felt severe pain on my hip and lower sides, so back I went to my Dr. She assumed I had a urine infection and prescribed me an antibiotic. The first week of treatment didn't work so I went to the hospital for blood work, U/A's and a CAT scan that came back with a bladder infection. They then gave me another round of antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole) and I'm on my third day still in pain. ## Hello, Joe! How are you feeling? Has there been any change? The general rule with antibiotics is that if they are working, you should start to see improvement after a full 3 days of taking them. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic s...

1 REPLY Updated

Tengo un juanete y tengo el pie inchado, puedo tomar sulfa mientras contacto a mi doctor? ## Este es un antibiótico y sólo es eficaz en el tratamiento de infecciones bacterianas. Por lo tanto, no va a hacer nada para ayudar con un juanete y sweling pie causado por otros problemas. Sería mejor consultar a su médico. ¿Hay algo más que pueda ayudar? ## Toma cipro, es lo mejor de 500mg es lo mas fuerte, también para los nacidos

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Lo puedo usar para infecion del estomago tengo diarrea ## Hola , Meliss ! Cómo estás? Lo siento mucho que no te sientes bien . Sin embargo , este antibiótico , según la lista de la FDA , sólo es apropiado para el tratamiento de infecciones bacterianas. Si usted está teniendo un problema stomch con diarrea, entonces lo más probable es que tenga un virus, por lo que este no va a ayudar con eso . La única cosa que puedes hacer por un virus es tratar los síntomas , tales como tomar algo por la nasuea y diarrea , entonces que siga su curso para aclarar por sí solo. ¿Ha consultado a su médico ? ## Toma zantac es para el estomago no me se citas receta

2 REPLIES Updated

What is a large white oval pill with MP on left side, a line in the middle, and 85 on the right side? ## what are they? are they for pain? ## No, this is not a pain medication. This tablet contains 800mgs of Sulfamethoxazole and 160mgs of Trimethoprim, a generic for Bactrim DS. This is a combination antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. ## Can an oval white antibiotic pill imprinted with mp 85, treat or heal coughing, sore throat, running nose, body aches, mucus, watery eyes, burning eyes and/or chest pain? Every time I clean with bleach this happens for like 3 to 4 days before i get better and am able to see and breath a little better. What's my problem?

3 REPLIES Updated

Hi, I finished taking Sulfamethoxazole on Wednesday and three days later, I drank alcohol. I woke up the next morning with a bad itchy skin rash. Was this caused by the alcohol? The rash came and went that day. Now on day 2, it's pretty much gone, with just a little area under my chin on my neck. Will the rash go away on it's own, and how soon? Thank you. ## Hello, Gugs! How are you? Has there been any change? Since you finished it a few days before, I am rather doubtful that the medication played a role, however, I am not a doctor so I can't say for sure. It would be best to have it checked out to be sure. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic (non-itchy) skin rash and diarrhea. And while alcohol can make them...

3 REPLIES Updated

What are ilvitrim tablets used for? ## Ilvitrim contains the active ingredients Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim, it is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections. In the U.S. it is commonly prescribed under the brand name Bactrim. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and non-allergic skin rash. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## My husband is HIV positive and is taking Lamivudine, Zidovudine,Efavirenz and Ilvitrim. he has been told at the hospital that his creatinine levels are high. He has had a blood test and must go back next month. Do any of these tablets make these levels higher. Also why would he be taking ilvitrim as I believe this is an antibiotic. ## Pauline, his level of Creatinine could be up due to the medications, or from s...

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