Seizure Onset At Age 20 (Top voted first)


My son had his first seizure in August 2015. He is now 21. It was not witnessed by me but by a healthcare professional during a routine appt. All labs, CT, Eeg came back normal. He was not put on medication at that time. Then he had another seizure in November. This one we witnessed and it confirmed our concerns. He had an MRI and sleep study. The MRI was normal but sleep study showed severe sleep apnea. Where we are now...he is currently on Keppra 2000 mg a day and has been seizure free for 4 months. He hates the cpap but is very compliant with his meds. He is a college student and enjoys going out and drinking occasionally, which I do not agree is a wise choice. His doctor told him the same. The adjustment to all this has taken a toll on him. He can't drive until June, he has always been athletic, outgoing and happy. He says he feels fine but at times he appears to be in his on world, gets angry I feel a little more so than usual and I worry about him being depressed. Although he denies it over And over. I thought about having him add b6 to help with mood and energy. Has anyone tried this with luck? Also has anyone experienced a similar scenario with the sudden onset of seizures out of no-where? His drug panel was normal. That is a question I get a lot due to his age. I hate seizures. It's so new to us. How does one just go from being perfectly healthy to this. Praise the Lord for no seizures, but it is a constant worry. The doctor says all negative diagnostics are a good thing, but it still leaves me baffled. Thanks for any help.

3 Replies

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Hello, Chelle! How is your son doing?

Yes, it is possible to develop seizures or epilepsy at any age, even with no history of it. My husband started experiencing focal point seizures in his 40's.

As to the anger, depression and etc. that may be due to the Keppra. One of its side effects can be changed personality and mood swings. When that happened to my husband, his doctor immediately took him off of it and put him on a different medication, so his doctor should be informed. He may do better on a different medication.

The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and weight gain.

I'd not add the B6 without his doctor's approval.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you! He is doing very well. What medication does your husband take? Does he drive now? Were all his tests and labs negative as well?

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I have had epilepsy since I was 16. I was put on Dilantin and Meberal. After Meberal was discontinues I was put on levetiracetam. The pill was yellow. I did experience some of the rage people talk about and the fatigue. But I handled it. The last refil, the tablets are purple. It's like a generic of the generic. Big difference. I'm getting dizziness pretty bad for about 3 hours. Not enough for anyone at work notices. Have you heard of this?

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