Refilling My Valid Xanax Prescription Early (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I only see one doctor and he gives me a 3 month supply of xanax. When I went the last time he wrote me out a prescription but I still had two refills. I had a friend and her husband passed away and I gave her some of mine thinking I would have no problem re-filling the prescription. I had sense enough not to go to the same pharmacy and not to give my insurance information. So I go to this small drug store by my house and I had to fill out paperwork such as dob, name and my DL #. Well they paged me to the front of the store and advised me that it was 7 days to early for them to re-fill. So my question is where can I go to re-fill a prescription that is valid written by the same doctor. I only tried one place, I'm guessing they must have a data base if you try and refill your prescription early (even without your insurance) does anyone have advice on where I can go to get this filled?

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while I fully agree that ther needs to be more laws in place these laws need to take into account the people that actualy need them. I also agree this is an unusualy high dose for one person but her friend just lost a loved one so maybe you could be a bit kinder with your militaristic statements. Fortunately this world isn't as black & white as you believe. Your response/mindset is the reason why some people go without help while others abuse the system. If everyone would stop treating like its all or nothing & find a middle ground we the taxpayers & people who need these meds would be much better off. I live in one of if not the most archaic states that is still in the dark ages when it comes to mental health & as soon as I finish my bachelor's I intend to work my ass of to educate as many as possible & try to find ways for both sides to meet in the middle.

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Having worked in a hospital, I know they can pull data from some source that will show most meds you've had filled at any pharmacy. With the laws so tight now days the anxiety of messing up my Xanax script isn't welcome. That happened when I got a refill of my pain med while on vacation. Never thought this was a problem until I went for the next refill and my home WG said nope. Can only transfer a script once. That episode eventually culminated in WG calling my psychiatrist telling him I was seeing multiple docs and getting multiple meds. He cancelled my Xanax. No one bothered to ask me what was up. He ended up calling in some a half the dose. I've been on it for almost 20 years! Finally cleared it up at my last visit. Now I'm heading south for a few months and don't know what to do about my Xanax.

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.5 a day BenzoSheriff? That might be fine for you but you have had over 1000 panic attacks. Sounds like you need more Xanax, not less? I like some of the things you say though!

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Ij22 that's not your decision to make. I understand people are suffering but they need to go to a doctor and get the help they need. It's not your job to give your medication out because of issues they are dealing with. If they have this chronic problem you claim then there is no reason a legitimate compassionate doctor will prescribe what they need. It sounds like you have an addict friend who got you blinded and all caught up in feeling bad for them. God forbid they have an adverse reaction to whatever you give them or take to much and die, guess who is responsible? YOU and you will catch a manslaughter charge even if you had no intent to cause any harm. Let him go buy the stuff rather than putting you in the position. He doesn't care about you if he's asking for your medication.

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I live in Florida ...It is by law 27 days, however the law is written in a manner that basically gives the pharmacist rules on what is too early... (26 days is too early and 27 days is OK) Unfortunately it is not written to say that your medication must be dispensed you on the 27th day, that has been left to the discretion of the pharmacist.

A few years ago, when the DEA started coming after our pain management doctors especially the pill mills, they also went after some pharmacies. They went after CVS and Walgreen's with a vengeance A couple of the CVS stores could no longer handle any of the controlled medications for a period of two years. They also closed down one of Walgreen's distribution centers in South Florida. With each of these events came the largest fines of its kind in history. (millions of dollars were paid in fines has given these chains in particular.. cold feet.

So some of those pharmacies have guidelines in place by their corporate offices on when they can dispense these scheduled medication to their customers and I am pretty sure it is not 27 day.

I went through so much hell trying to get my medications filled when I was living in Orlando at the time. Even though I had been filling at Walgreen for more than 10 years I could no longer count on them to fill my prescriptions. Every month I had to rely on my boyfriend to help me try and find my medications which sometimes resulted in me going days without medication because we could not find anyone who would or could fill my prescriptions. Sometimes we would run a full tank of gas out of the car over a period of a few days and still not have my medications.

So, we decided to move out of the Orlando and ended up purchasing a home in Ocala. After initially having a hard time finding a doctor that would agree to give me anything close to what I had been taking before we moved, I finally settled on one because he was the best I had found. After a few month and multiple drug panels, I am guessing that he trusts me more because he has increased my medication so I am now comfortable most of the time.

Although I do not feel I should have to tell a pharmacist what is wrong with me, and feel that it is wrong to refuse to fill my prescription for me when I am there on the 29th day (having the pharmacist telling me to come back)

I went against my grain and disclosed to the pharmacist what was wrong with me that has me taking the medications I am on. I also told him very nicely that my boyfriend would probably come back the following day for me when the pharmacist refused to fill my script on day 29 even though the doctor had wrote on the script to fill it the day before. Then I smiled at him and told him to have a good day before my boyfriend and I left.

It has been 8 months now and I have never had to look at a different pharmacy for my medication. They always have it for me when I need it. Although he would not fill my prescription on day 29 before with instructions on it that I should fill it the day earlier.. they will now fill for me when we do go in on the 28th day or the 29th instead of making me wait. To be honest, I did not really need the medication early; I just wanted it early so that I knew I would have it when it was time.

Try remembering that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar!

I hope you can see why they are so afraid: just like our doctors they too are afraid!

Praying you have the medication that you need until you can find someone that will fill your prescription!

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Thank you for that. We get berated and humiliated enough out there just being on these meds. I'm not a junky looking for a fix, however, this medication causes a horrible physical withdrawal and even being off it for two days has caused me to have a grand mal seizure.

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I agree. If you share prescribed medications you can be charged with drug trafficking. Not to mention if your friend suffered an allergic reaction, overdose and died, you could also be charged with manslaughter. Do not ever give prescribed medications to anyone. As good as your intentions are there could be terrible consequences.

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Drugs like these are indeed tracked by the Texas DPS however most pharmacists do not check that list yet. While your motives for sharing your meds seem to be good you must realize that you committed a felony and as such no reputable pharmacy will aid you by filling early. That would be effectively aiding a felon.
This is not a criticism of your actions but simply a statement of the facts as they are today. Being prescribed these potent meds you have certain responsibilities, and in your case you chose to give a friend your meds rather than taking them for your own pain.

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Omg, yes. They will cut you off and flag you at all pharmacies. They will think you are abusing your medications. These laws are set in place to protect us. My doctor told me that your bad falls back on them and they get sanctions. Example: they won't b able to give out any narcotics for a period up to two years. Etc

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"I want to get off such a high dosage so can I get these filled early." The definition of denial and contradiction.

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There is enough blame to go around! When you have a druggie hitting up doctors out of state.... Why the hell did we have so many doctors ready and willing to take their cash and even sell them the medication they wanted! Greed is everywhere including some of those who wear the white coat and emblem to do no harm! There are more than two groups now who struggle and we all know who they are! First it is the druggies who never thought their legal medication would dry up! Well they have and many have now moved on to illegal drugs, ones much more dangerous than what they were once using... but the real problem is that these are someone's sons and daughters, some with children of their own and they are dying! The next group are those that really need these medications because of serious accidents and illness. Pain takes them away from everyone and everything unless they have something to tame the pain! We also have good doctors who fear the DEA and are afraid to give these people a therapeutic dose of medication; enough so they can take a walk and try to enjoy their day to a limited capacity! We have these same people get their prescription but then they cannot get them filled... Tell me how much sense that makes! Why did we go to all the trouble to track opioid use from state to state and then refuse to fill someone's legal prescription? Now we have people who are in legitimate pain who can not get their prescriptions filled on time... They can go days sometimes without any medication at all and no one does anything about it! It is a fine mess that those are in that need these pain medications... they are ostracized all the while they are suffering!

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@Tiredofthesameoldbs, I was wondering the same thing. Some people on this board are piss because they cannot get their script filled 3 to 5 days early. You are right, medications are prescribed concurrent with follow up appointments, so the patient should not run out of the medication before the appointment. Also, most pharmacy will not refill medications especially, opioids early. The insurance will not pay for the medication early. I think some people need to keep it real and be honest. Sorry of the background stories are absolutely ridiculous and far fetched.

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There is no way to get early unfortunately. Every narcotic is tracked by your DL and goes into the database. So even though you were paying cash ect. You won't be able to fill it early and be careful because you don't want to get flaged on the database.

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Xanax is not a narcotic but it is a controlled substance.

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Pablo said..."I get 5 2 mgs bar's a day what is wrong with that? Why is that such a big deal"
Well Pablo, it becomes a big deal when you no longer can obtain this massive daily dose, perhaps finding yourself cutoff, and then experiencing the lovely symptoms of withdrawal. Take it from me Pablo, no one needs 10 mg a day of Xanax.

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You can only eglllegally fill a script 3 days early just policy but when cvs wouldn't I went to Walmart and they did

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Medicaid is not "welfare" insurance. Help for the poor is not welfare in the tone that it was obviously being used. As a disabled person, I get Medicare and medicaid. I don't consider myself living off "welfare." I found the tone extremely insulting.

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Re: SW (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Most pharmacies will fill rx''s 5 days early. Also, dont go to a well known store/pharmacy. Go to an independant or 'mom and pop' pharmacy. Usually, they are much more relaxed about filling scripts.

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Yes take it to walmart out of you city?

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Hi, I recently lost 2 weeks of xanax on the bus here in Tampa. I'm perscribed 2mg 3x a day. My question is, my doctor told me and the Walgreens pharmacist that she couldn't let me fill 2 weeks early because of a law against it. I and the Pharmacist have never heard of such a thing. Can anyone help? Adam, 34, Tampa, FL Is there really a law against early refills of alprazolam in Hillsborough County, FL? Thank You. If so can you let me know the statute. Thanks again

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