Osphena Why The Bias??? (Top voted first)


Can't understand the bias from the makers of Osphena. The cost is prohibitive yet and don't ask me why but if you have private insurance even though they won't cover the drug Osphena offers DEEP discounts. If however you have Medicare or Medicaid you don't qualify for any discounts EVEN though we would ALL be willing to pay out of pocket if it works. I speak from experience. I can't try it under the same DEEP discount???? What women over 65 don't enjoy having intercourse?? Or disabled women?? If it worked I would be willing to pay the 177. per month so why can't I get the same benefits????

2 Replies

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Hello, Luanne! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem you've run into.

However, that limitation is not actually one imposed by the manufacturers, but by the government on those that receive Medicaid or Medicare and there is actually nothing the manufacturer can do about it. They are required to abide by such laws.

If they offered an assistance program for those without insurance, then they can offer assistance to those with Medicare, but they aren't allowed to do it with such savings card programs. I'm not sure what the government rationale is for this, but that is just the way the law currently stands.

Orphan works like estrogen in the body to help alleviate the dryness many women experience that may make intercourse painful. Thus, it increases the risk of certain cancers and may cause side effects, such as hot flushes, vaginal discharge and nausea.

Have you tried any other remedies? Many women do just fine with a low dose estrogen.

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My pharmacy has told me for several months that there is a manufacturer's back order on Osphena. Is there or is my pharmacy just poorly stocked?

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