Msir Taper Problems (Top voted first)


I was on 180mg ER morphine for 6 years & four 15mg MSIR. I weaned myself off of the 180 mg ER in May & am currently down to one 15mg MSIR every 12 hours. I'm suffering from intractable pain that has me bedridden & I've been hospitalized weekly for severe dehydration, dangerous high BP & uncontrollable blood sugars. I'm stuck on this dose, with my Dr knowing what I'm doing & don't understand why I can no longer tolerate even a small reduction. Granted I've been doing this for 3 straight months & my body is exhausted, but I can't do this anymore. I'm dependent, not addicted & have never abused. I live in Harrisburg PA & no Dr will help me despite my proving myself. What's the best way to finish this process?

2 Replies

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I am very sorry about the problem you're experiencing. How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?

When it comes to an opiate, such as MS Contin, which contains Morphine, what might seem like an incremental reduction actually becomes more and more significant of a percentage reduction the lower your dosage goes. For example, taking 2 mgs off of a 100mg dosage is only a 2% change, while taking 2mgs of a 15mg dosage is a higher change, and your body is going to react to it.

You will also experience more significant problems if you are tapering too fast.

Bleu, how are you doing?

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In Iowa everyone is being taken off narcotics I myself 12 years no bad issues with abuse however everyone is being taken off no matter what surgeon say ,the use colonidine .01 mg x 4 a day with something for nausea and diarrhea it has helped me go from several hundred million mg of morphine extended release and immediate release then got me down to Vicodin however with the change to Vicodin the pain is exceptionally High and at this point I don't know what to do but I do know that clonidine has helped the best with withdrawal systems and they do help you and I will with that but I've had a spinal fusion with 18 3-inch screws with lock nuts that broke and the revision was done from the t229 and they admitted that the screw removal of the metal would be no good

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