Inserting The Glenmark Clotrimazole Suppository (Page 2)
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Hi. I went to the clinic for an infection and they gave me glenmark clotrimazole - 1 vaginal tablet. So I did use it yesterday night but today in the morning it came back out like a discharge; it was indeed the tablet that came out like a liquid. So I want to know if it's normal or if I didn't administer it properly?

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Yes . I have the same discharge problem ( white traces of medicine) . Now I am assured.Thank you.

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After inserting glenmark clotrimazole, they said it will come out in the morning, but I didn't see it. Should I be worried? Please help.

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Will I need to clean the insides of my vagina if I used a clotrimazole vaginal tablet and it come out as a discharge in the morning? How do I clean it?

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I had taken the clotrimazole suppository for three days at night and the next day after I took a third pill before i had intercourse and i started seeing a bloody discharge. Is that a problem? Please help.

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I'm scared to insert the glenmark clotrimazole in my Virginia because I'm a virgin and ,will it hurt?

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hi all i went to hospital doing pep smear and doctor said i got lots of discharge and gave me glenmark clotrimazole 1. nothing came out after. is that right

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hi, i have completed my 2 weeks virginal treatment. now, watery discharge (with no odor) is coming out from my Vagina and is staining my pants. could this be the effect of the tables or is it an indication that my Vagina is clean?

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I've used clotrimazole tablet during night.then in the morning some white and pink was coming out of my vagina. ....whn times goes on the same day I started menstruation. it suppose to be like that?

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I have been using this Gynaemed tube for the past one month now because i have an infection and it was prescribed by a doctor. But now the infection is still there and i think it's growing more at both sides of my vagina in the form of blisters. What more can i do now? Again i took postinor-2 this evening; hoping it helps?

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Hello, I have white discharge but don't know what to take... Can you please help me?

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im experiencing this problem. could someone tell me wats wrong? pleaseeeee im worried.

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Hi, I just inserted vagina tablet this nite. Please can I use my finger to wash it out tomorrow morning??? Reason that I will insert another tomorrow night. Thanks

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Pls when I use viginer inserter in the evening,when it's morning can I deep my hands inside to wash propely in the morning to remove the remain particles.

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I insert the vaginal tablets and they come out with smell discharge in the it normal

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hi im having itching fr 6 months

tried many tablets creams no use
pls advice

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I just used *clotrimazole* 2 days ago although my doctor told me not to use it while am on my period, I wasn't expecting my period the particular day I used it, I've been bleeding heavily and please am scared

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We are in the same position..I kept seeing blood also...don't know why but i have been inserting the pill for 4 days now and on the 3rd day blood came

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Same here I was prescribed for the tablet..I used it and now am seeing blood

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i need answer to Jennet's question pls!!!!! am also in same shoe with her......

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Am also in the same situation kwakwani.... my tablet didnt dissolve, i started the medication yesterday

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