Help With Headache (Top voted first)


I have been on Contrave for over four months and I have lost 35 lbs., so far. Occasionally I get very bad headaches which Advil or Tylenol just won't help.

Can I take 1/2 of a vicodin to see if that might help, or is that dangerous?

2 Replies

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Hello, Pat! How are you?

One of the active ingredients in Contrave, as listed by the FDA, is Naltrexone and it's other use is as an opiate blocker, so the Vicodin will have no effect.

It would be best to consult your doctor about what you can take for the headaches that will work.

The FDA lists the other side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Don't take any Vicodin with it!! I hadn't been told about the huge contraindication between the two meds and had taken a dose of each together. I felt horrible!!!! Contrave has a drug in it to make people come off of pain meds, alcohol, etc. if you take any of those things with it... it makes you feel nauseous and sometimes vomit. It makes your body go through withdrawals and yet you don't feel the effects of said pain med. So I'd say, don't do it. :(

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