Filling An Rx For Percocet, Same Dr. Prescribing (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I was issued 2 scripts from the same Dr. For 10mg/325 Oxycodone. Due to Surgery last week total Hip Replacement! I know I will have to pay out of pocket cause my insurance just filled at beginning of the month. He gave me 2 due to tolerance & going through PHYSICAL THERAPY 2 to 3 times a week! Why won't a pharmacy fill this for me if I am getting them from the same Dr?

90 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Why (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Under Federal Law a doctor can write Schedule II prescriptions for up to 90 days. That is 3 separate prescriptions for 30 days each.

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Re: Need to help (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

They say Granny's are the worst because they have grandchildren who take them for themselves or to sell them. If they fill 1 week at a time patients will know by looking at the bottle if some are missing, than a 30 day supply.

Another reason, the Elderly are treated like crap, by working all their lives, to now be treated awfully by the State and Government. They are basically living in poverty, and may sell a few of their 30 day supply, just to get by.

They may also give them to family members, who con them into them into giving them "a few pills".

All this because Granny loves their family, and doesn't want her family to be in pain. She may only take half of her supply and "help" whoever doesn't have health insurance.

**NeedToHelp, I in no way suggest that you do any of the above... My Aunt, who passed in February, used to give her son pills, but they were really for his wife.**

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Re: LAK (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

At my pharmacy if the doctor writes for a certain amount of pills if we partial them then the patient can’t come back later to get the remaining pills cuz this is considered a refill and by law you can’t have a refill on a C2 med. This is only for C2 meds. Some insurance companies won’t pay for the full amount and when this happens, we can either just fill the amount the insurance will pay for and the patient will have to forfeit the remaining pills or the patient can pay cash for them all.

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Re: Need to help (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

The way medications metabolize in your system changes when you become a senior. Usually seniors take more medications than younger folks do. This can cause problems. Usually seniors have more health problems that can affect their ability to breath. Which can make it easier for them t overdose.

If your doctor won't prescribe you pain medications you need. You need to find another doctor. If you aren't seeing a pain management doctor. You need to start. You might have to see several doctors before you find one that is the right fit for you.

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Because its the laws. And all these Muslim brotherhood that are working for the government as disability doctors. I was denied disability because I'm Christian. The doctor said he wouldn't see me because I came from church and I had a simple wood cross on my necklace. He said it offended him and that was good enough for the State to Florida to denied my disability claim. What is going on with this country.?

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Well, all I can say is lucky you are getting them and all these shots I get don't work. They don't want to prescribe any opiates for me. I had all kinds of surgery, Total knee, Cervical Spondylosis.there no fix for it, Lumbar Spondylitis no fix either, Osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, Ab Hernia. and an elbow tuck surgery leaving my elbow totally numb and so there are not enough shots they can put in me to help rather than hurt.. I refuse to go back for the shots because they do more harm than good. What do they want, to stick me all over the place? That is where all of my pain is. They do not help but doctors think they do so they don't have to write. So when I feel bad which is just about every 20 to 30 min I've got to lie down until I find a doc that writes. And who knows who does until maybe 15 visits.

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PSL772 (# 83) --

Did you get a copy of the Consultative Examination the doctor did ? You cannot be denied because you are a Christian ? What did the SSA doctor say in his report ?

Do you see your treating doctors regularly ? Have you gotten copies of your medical records and read them ? Did you appeal the decision ?

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Re: Ed (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

Have your doctor write on your prescription Brand Name Medically Indicated. Also have him check the box that says Drug Selection Not Permitted. Chances are you will have to have your doctor do Prior Approval for the Brand patchs.

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Have you tried an online Drug Company? I use OptumRx. According to some comments some people have had trouble with them. My prescriptions are non narcotic. I have had no problems at all and when I changed from Walgreen's I couldn't believe how much lower their prices were. I use a lot of prescriptions so that really made a difference. There are others that seem to have good reputations also.

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Re: golfguyjoe (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

That is illegal. You cannot have more then ONE doctor writing narcotic prescriptions. (CVS & my health insurance told me this)
You are lucky they did not catch it, because you could be arrested.
There is a system in place, that cross checks who you got it from, and ANY other narcotics prescribed.
I had 2 different surgeries, from 2 different surgeons. One will not write a prescription, for a surgery they did not preform. Plus, NO PHARMACY will let you hand them 2 prescriptions of the "same dose", from 2 different doctors.

The pharmacy believes, that the medication prescribed, should help with ALL surgery sites, (I do NOT agree with this)
I know, that I need something different, for my neck (ACDF 4 levels), then I do for my circumfrential lumbar fusion, and then my XLIF fusion.
The pharmacist at CVS disagreed, refused to fill it, so I went to WALGREENS.
They filled it but it took 5 days.
My neurosurgeon is banned from CVS still.
His receptionist, told me, "He let Dr Perillo use his prescription pad." (He was a pain med doctor, that left the practice, 3 months ago)
Now he is blowing all of us off and my XLIF is not even 6 months post op.

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