Diverticulitis Treatment (Top voted first)


Prescribed Flagyl and Cipro for Diverticulitis. The metal taste is awful but I can deal with it and the nausea. What I can't deal with is the burning pains in my stomach... Has anyone else experienced pain/burning in their stomach?

2 Replies

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Hello, Rosie! How are you? Have you tried any antacids to help?

While it is best to stay away from ones such as Tums or Rolaids, while taking an antibiotic, you can usually take others, such as Pepcid or Prilosec, as long as your doctor approves.

The FDA lists other side effects of these medications as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and diarrhea.

Are you also making sure not to take them on an empty stomach?

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Please tell me what foods to avoid eating to combat Diverticulitis? I have constipation followed by severe diarrhea. Is Pepsi, red products, tomatoes or anything with seeds no matter how small, safe? I am 79 yrs old and I'm ill too much. My life is horrible with this. Please please help me.

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