Diltiazem Forums (Page 5)

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why has my new pharmacist filled my new prescription with orange tablets when they have always been white,are these colors and numbers on tablets correct? M525 and93 321? ## Hi, Manny! Sorry for the confusion, I wish more pharmacists took the time to explain any changes. Diltiazem is actually a generic medication, so it's manufactured by several different companies and the marking on each must be different, so that it can be identified in case of an emergency. The color and shape are entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer. Thus, these are both the same medication, in the same dosage, they've just been manufactured by different companies. The one with the 93 321 on it has been made by Teva Pharmaceuticals and the one with the M 525 has been made by Mylan Pharmaceuti...

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i found 2 pills in husbands suitcase need to know?one is orange round with the numbers93 over319 on it.an the other is a round white one ko on it? ## 93 319 contains 60mgs of Diltiazem, a generic for Cardizem. This is used to help lower blood pressure. ## KO is 325mgs of Acetaminophen, a generic or store brand of Tylenol. ## i believe one is definitely an over the counter pain reliever and the other one is definitely for blood pressure. maybe you should stop snooping around on your husband and just ask him if you're really concerned. sounds like you've got some issues. ## I would hate to have a snooping, non-trusting wife like you.

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Is the diltiazam (Inwood) 180mg SA capsule a 24 hour time release medicine? ## From the information you've listed and from what I am finding online, it doesn't appear to be time released. Time released medications should have a marking that denotes them as such, something like ER, CR, or XR. However, I can double check for you if you can post back with the markings on the tablet. It seems that Inwood manufactures several, so I can't be completely certain of which one this is, without knowing the imprint to look it up. How often do you take it? ## DILTIAZEM INWOOD 180MG SA CAP IS THIS A TIME RELEASE PILL I TAKE ONE A DAY ## I have been on Diltazem 360 XT by Inman for years. My pharmacy said that Inman no longer makes it and switched me to Taztia XT. Are they the same?...becau...

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Is Diltiazem ER from Inwood the same as Diltiazem CD from Teva? ## Yes, Inwood and Teva are just different manufacturers, but the medication is the same, both the ER and the CD just designate it as being a time released formulation. There have actually been several recent articles about this, because there are so many being used now that all mean the same thing, that it's become rather confusing for the average consumer. Learn more Diltiazem details here. I really think there should just be one used universally, so everyone understands it. Are there any other questions or comments I can help with? ## Thank you Verwon, my mother will appreciate the answer since her provider sent this different kind in the mail. She was concerned it might not be the same thing as she has been taking. ...

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We take diltiazem cd in 240mg and 180mg. At this time we are unable to fill our prescriptions. The local pharmacies do not have prescripts in store and say their distributors do not have any stock and have no date when they may have some. Is there some problem with this med or do we need to change to something else? ## According to the FDA's webpage there aren't any current drug shortages of Diltiazem. I also don't think your doctor would write you a script for something that he didn't think could be filled. So I would imagine it's probably just those local pharmacies who haven't had a need to keep it in stock for a while. Have you tried contacting any pharmacies outside of your general area to see if anyone carries it? If it's of any help to your search, lis...

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I have a small round white pill with the letter M and the number 23 listed on one side of the pill. What is it? ## This pill your describing is Diltiazem hydrochloride 30 MG name brand of this medication is Atenolol and its a Heart medication, used to prevent heart attacks, chest pain, and hypertension ## small white round pill with nothing on one side and ww on top, a line, then 41 on the other. ## The identification provided for the tablet with the M 23 marking is correct. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, hypotension and low heart rate. Learn more Diltiazem details here. The tablet with the WW 41 marking contains 0.25mgs of Digoxin, it is most commonly used to treat conditions such as atrial fibrillation and atrial flutt...

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Is Diltiazem 24hr ER 180 mg Cap The exactt same drug as Dilt-XR 180mg Cps ## Yes, the Dilt-XR is just a name brand for Diltiazem, which is a calcium channel blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## What is the difference between the "ER" and the "CD" pills? With our insurance the CD is pier one and the ER is pier 3 of which we will have to pay. Is there any reason we cannot ask his doctor to prescribe the "CD" in diltiazem 180mg cap myla? He is a non HL patient. And so far has showed no cardiac damaged from any of the chemo drugs he has taken...

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Im taking diltiazem (inwood)240 mg sa cap and im having something like a rash on my face and my eyes have been bothering me.My doc says it shouldnt be from the medicine i think not anyone have the same results or have any answers. Thanks ## Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. As to the problems you are experiencing, blurry vision and dizziness can be common side effects to this class of medications. However, the rash could be a sign that you are having a mild allergic reaction to it. You should really contact your doctor, again to discuss the matter, because this is probably not the right medication for you and there are other options available that you can try. Learn more: Are there any other comments or ques...

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DO SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDE COUGHING? ## Hi John, Yes, coughing is listed as a normal side effect of Diltiazem. Referenced from: nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a684027.html#side-effects Did you have any other questions or concerns about this drug? Please post back if you do. ## Thanks David. I Figured coughing was a side affect. I asked my doctor about it because I had the same problem with Micardis. He didn't want to believe that was the cause. Hopefully, I can get a different perscription.

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how to safely wean off the Diltiazem extended release. nurse practitioner said skip a day for a week and then two days for another week and, finally, stop. is this safe? ## If that's what she instructed you to do, it would be best to follow them, since she is your medical practitioner. Learn more Diltiazem details here. Another way to stop theses types of medications is to gradually lower the dosage for awhile, but that isn't always possible. Is it being replaced with another medication, or just stopped entirely? ## i've been off the medication for 3 weeks now. reduced the dosage over a short time and feel wonderful since i've been off. Thanks for you replay. ## not being replaced. lowered dosage over a short period of time and have now been off for 3 weeks. feeling much...

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i currently take diltiazem hydrochloride extended release caps 360 mg at bedtime....should it be taken in the morning instead? ## What have your blood pressure readings been during the day? This information is needed in order to answer your question. Learn more Diltiazem details here. In many cases, doctors do want someone to take such medications in the morning, so it helps to control their blood pressure or cardiac conditions during the time of day that they will be most active and therefore experience the most fluctuations. However, since it can cause drowsiness and dizziness as aide effects, some people do find them necessary to take at night, when they are going to bed. So, it really depends on your blood pressure or cardiac condition and your doctor's instructions.

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What specifically is this medication used or? ## What specifically is this medication used for? ## Diltiazem is a calcium channel blockers that's most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and some cardiac conditions. Learn more Diltiazem details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

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i would like to know the side effectc ## Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that is most commonly used to treat hypertension. Its side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and flushing. Learn more: Diltiazem Details Is there anything else I can help with?

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I jus refilled my Diltiazem 120 CR and they gave me Diltiazem 120 ER. I didn't take it last night because I don't know what the difference is. ## Please don't skip dosages of these types of medications, for any reason, you could put yourself in serious, life threatening danger! Skipping doses of such hypertension/cardiac medications may cause a rebound effect, which could result in severely elevated blood pressure and heart rate, which may lead to stroke or heart attack! That said, there is no difference in the medications, both the CR and the ER are just different abbreviations that designate it as a time released medication. Have you contacted your doctor? If you really skipped a dosage, then you need to do so, your blood pressure may be higher than normal and it may requi...

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iapo 120 is a maroon capsule but i cannot seem to find any information about it. It was given to me for relief of pain in the foot due to nerve damage ## The pill in description is Diltiazem hydrochloride ER (120 mg). However this capsule is showing up as blue and not maroon. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, and some types of arrhythmia. It is also an effective preventive medication for migraine. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## My sisters son was killed suddenly and they said she had a broken heart, not a heart attack. She had a heart cath and we were told no damage to her heart, no blockages, but she has been on the pill Diltiaz ER 90 ...

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the capsul is purple andcream andthe word mylan and under it the #5280 and rather large caps thank you jean ## Yes, this capsule contains 180mgs of Diltiazem in a time released formulation. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach pain. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help you with?

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My prior prescription said I could take without regard to food. The new one said take on an empty stomach. Both are 180 mg. ## Based on information I've gathered, Cardizem CD is just another brand name of Diltiazem XT (as they both contain the same active ingredient). Diltiazem is said to be the generic version, however both medications are reported to come in a 24-hour sustained-release capsule. Other than that, the only other differences may be that they are manufactured by separate companies, and possibly contain a different set of inactive ingredients, otherwise known as fillers. Some of these fillers may be a determinant as to whether or not is it best to take the pill on an empty stomach versus having it with food. For future reference, other brand names of Diltiazem include t...

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have this medicine what is it for? also have clorhidrato de diltiazem ## Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic, it's used to reduce the amount of fluid in the body to treat conditions, such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and edema. Learn more: Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have taken this pill before bedtime to keep my blood presure down for about 5 months after i had a stroke now i have a sore ankle when i walk or stand on it could this be one of the side effects? ## Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker and yes, there is a possibility that it is causing the problem, by causing some fluid retention in your ankle. Have you consulted your doctor about it? If that is what is causing the problem, it is very important that you be switched to a different medication.

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what is the diltiazem equivalent for cartia 240 mg ## There is no conversion necessary, Diltiazem is the active ingredient in Cartia, so you'd still need a 240mg dosage. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker, so it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## no thanks!

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