Adult Add - Will Intuniv Help? Can't Take Stimulant Due To Job (Top voted first)


I am 32 years old I was taking short acting adderall, my new job does drug panels and I did not disclose I have ADD. My Dr. said Straterra does come back positive for amphetamines so that is out. He recommends Intuniv but I have read it does not work, makes people sleepy and depressed. Please post your experience with this drug. Will it allow me to focus? Will I be sleepy and depressed? My job requires great attention to detail in high stress conditions.

2 Replies

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Intuniv works quite well for some people. It's just the the stuff you read online is almost always going to be from those that have had a problem with a medication, the others that take it whom it works well for don't have a need to go online and find a site to look up information.

It contains the active ingredient Guanfacine and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation and dry mouth.

Some people do experience depression, as well, but the only way to find out how it affects you is by actually trying it.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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This is an old post but in case others come here. You are not leally required to disclose that you have ADHD unless you feel like you would not be able to do your job because of it.

Does not matter if amphetamine shows up on a drug test or not. If you have a valid prescription, they can't discriminate because of it. If they did do something because of it, you can sue them and/or report them.

Strattera triggering an amphetamine results on a drug test is rare and not likely to happen.

I'd recommend just taking the drug test, if results come up positive for amphetamine (they don't always check) then show them your prescription and that is it. All done. I have taken a few drug tests and they don't always check for amphetamine. When they did, I just photocopied my prescription bottle and the lab confirmed that it accounts for the positive result. That was it. All done.

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