Pristiq Dose Increase. Really Need Advice! (Top voted first)


I have depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and am currently taking Pristiq 50mg once daily, along with Buspar 10mg twice daily. I was taking 300mg Wellbutrin XL with that, but my psych dr thought it my be exacerbating my anxiety. A few weeks ago she decreased my Wellbutrin dosage to 150mg and changed it to the SR formula. Now she wants me to quit the Wellbutrin completely and up my Pristiq.. I I have been on 50mg Pristiq once daily for almost a year now, and I don't really think it's been working for me for some time. When I first started taking it, I switched from Zoloft 100mg and found my mood improved quickly. After a while I think I went more towards either being depressed or apathetic, but yet couldn't actually recognize until my husband told me that I was not myself at all. Lately I have been seeing it (seemingly since my Wellbutrin dose changed). I have been more depressed and anxious. I can hardly remember the happy, cheerful person I used to be years ago. I don't think the Pristiq is working for me anymore. I saw my psych dr yesterday thinking she was going to take me off it and start a new regimen, but instead she recommended increasing Pristiq to 50mg twice daily. I am very scared to do this. At one point my GP told me to take 100mg (once daily mind you), and I experienced extreme dizziness, loss of coordination; I just couldn't function at all; then I went back to 50mg. My psych dr told me this reaction could have been because I took the 100mg all at once (as prescribed), and that maybe splitting the dose would be better for me. I am supposed to start taking a second dose of 50mg today, but am really hesitant to do so. From what I have read, doses above 50mg don't tend to provide any further benefit. She wants me to try it for a few weeks until I see her again, and then reevaluate. Has anyone out there had any experience with doing a twice daily dosage? I really need some advice. I know that not everyone experiences the same reactions to these drugs, but I would very much appreciate some insight.

3 Replies

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Hey that sounds a little bizzare. mind over matter and placebo are real things. 100mg of pristiq is not a large dose. i think your working yourself. if 50mg is not working for you then you should try different medication if you dont think the side effects outweigh any feelings of peace the medication is giving.

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You can try 75 mg as there are now 25 mg pills for pristiq. You don't need to go straight to 100 mg

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I went to 100s from 50s a year ago due to hugely increased anxiety from a suspected heart issue. It helped a lot.

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