Mounjaro Memory Loss (Page 2)


Has anyone experienced sudden memory loss while taking Mounjaro? I noticed it a couple of weeks after starting. It was not the normal "aging" loss - it was more pronounced and happened suddenly. I know it could have been a TIA, but it did seem coincidental.

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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I just started 2.5 dosage of it a week ago and noticed tge last couple days that I am super forgetful. For example, the waiter at a restaurant told me something specific about my order and as soon as he walked away, I couldn't remember what he said. Creepy. Things like that are happening. I'm glad to see it's not just in my head- no pun intended. But, seriously, I'd like to know this isn't permanent....

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Yes, mine happened first 3 days and blurred vision. My doctor changed me to something else.

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’m wondering why my memory took a leap forward and the only change was Mounjaro injections. Also they were the starting smaller ones. Now, because of the shortage I am delayed getting the same level I was.

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I take other medications.

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Re: Bonnie Bon (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I was actually driving to a place very familiar to me with my daughter and grand baby in the car and my daughter said that I was saying where are we going. Nothing looks familiar and I don't remember driving the car over a bridge or parking in front of a store. I all of a sudden remember "waking up" sitting in the passenger seat after my daughter made me get out of driver seat. I remember that I couldn't remember and actually gave her directions to the ER. I have diabetes. It have never experienced this type of "amnesia" with low blood sugar or even fast dropping blood sugar. And I've been diabetic for almost 35 years. This was almost like amnesia. I thought I was maybe dehydrated since I had only drank 8 oz water the whole day and an egg sandwich for breakfast. But I came out of it without having anything to eat or drink when I came to. Scary crap and now I'm depressed and scared to drive and that it will happen again. I keep my grandson daily and keep making myself remember every thing about the day in case I forgot again.

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