Any Way To Reverse Long-term Chantix Side Effects? (Page 2)
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My mother took Chantix several years ago in an effort to quit smoking. Well, she quit for a year. During that time, however, she became unbearably depressed. She has no history of depression.

She consulted a doctor several times and tried 3 different prescriptions, 1 of them being Zoloft. She stopped because she said they made her feel like she was just in a constant haze. She hasn't been to a doctor or a psychologist since then. In the mean time, she started smoking again because she thought that it would make the depression go away. It didn't.

Because of her experience with the 3 prescriptions, she is unwilling to go back to a doctor, and dismisses any notion of going to a psychologist. Our family has pleaded with her to keep trying, even if she has to tell whoever she sees that she won't try any drug for fear of the side effects; even if her only option is therapy, we want her to at least see someone. She is reluctant.

This side effect of major depression has persisted for years now, long after she stopped taking Chantix. Does anybody have any advice, or experience with the reversal of such severe side effects? My mother, and the rest of my family, is terrified that this is permanent, and she is terrified of the possibility that another prescription will result in even worse side effects.

296 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: laura (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Laura, I have read your comment and I am a little worried after taking Chantix. My brain feels a little numb 2 months after stopping Chantix. I would like more information if that's ok with you. Thanks.

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My husband and I took Chantix together in 2012. I immediately stopped dreaming and started sleepwalking, he had no issues. In the 3rd week, he quit smoking and I had the first convulsion of my life. For the next 3 years I had seizure-like episodes, periods of altered mental status (like 8 hours of sleepwalking), horrible night terrors, a constant buzzing in my brain and a feeling of floating within my skin. My heart developed a new rhythm which was painful at times. All of my medical tests were normal. I tried to imagine death and practiced for it. I even started working on my obituary. I didn't quit smoking during this time however. I no longer have the seizures that aren't seizures, but I have amnesia for big chunks of my life. Strangely, I can't remember any of the trips we've taken. I'm more solid within my skin now, but I still have this electrical buzzing at times, and attachment issues when I look at someone I love and wish they would just go away. I'm dreaming again but I have insomnia, sleep transition issues and night terrors are common. I finally stopped smoking when I was diagnosed with lung cancer 3 years ago. 4 distinct tumors which weren't staged because I fit the criteria for stage 4 but with no metastasis. A year later I had 2 tumors and this year they found 1. I'm researching to see if there's any correlation between Chantix use and cancer. Chantix has ruined my life, I don't enjoy sewing or crafting anymore, I find it hard to concentrate and focus, I don't know how to respond to my husband because I can't remember how I felt about him before this all begin. I tell myself I should feel a certain emotion and respond accordingly but I only feel sadness inside. I am seeing a neurologist and cognitive psychologist but on the surface everything checks out just fine.

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Re: cooper (# 272) Expand Referenced Message

Please read from post 36, Laura answers one of my posts... very interesting.
in hindsight, I use 3 different spellings of my name, dont ask why, cos i dont know. lol

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Re: Little hope (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Did your serotonin come back? I took chantix 2.5 years ago and I'm still not myself. Anxiety and depression. What has worked for you? I sent a message to Amen clinic also. Waiting to hear back. Thanks.

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Re: laura (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Laura, what can you offer to reverse the negative effects of chantix?

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Re: Viraj (# 270) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Viraj, as long as you get the 200c dosage it's 3 or 4 drops in a small amount of water (hold in your mouth for about 30 seconds, before swallowing), take morning, night, morning only then stop. so you really only need a couple of mls, if you have a homeopathic in the neighbourhood... then start taking the rhodiola rosea for at least 3 - 6 months. I hope this helps you as it has for me...

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Re: Riegan or Rioghann (# 269) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the info, what im getting is Dr. Reckeweg Thuja Occidentalis 200 CH, is that correct? I cant seem to get any other.

Thank you again for your help.

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Re: Viraj (# 268) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Viraj... the homoeopathy has worked on me rather well, I still get the odd bout of darkness every now and again, 3 times in the past year, as opposed to every day, when I wasnt on it. So, it is most definitely worth a try.

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Re: Riegan (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

does the homeopathy, remove the symptoms of chantix permanently?
I seem to be waling around in a haze even after a few years of taking chantix, and now i have pins and needles across my body as well.

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Christine... Have u read thru the blog? I was dark, moody, depressed, and not very nice to be around... I took thuja and rose rhodiola and 3 yrs down the track.. I'm happier than I was even before taking the champix or chantix as it's called in the states... I still get dark every now and then, but only 1-3 times a yr instead of waking up dark every day.

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Re: Fred (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure if you will get this but I took Chantix about 7'years ago and have not been the same since, I'm suffering from depression now as well I'm going to finally see a doctor about going on an antidepressant.


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Re: Ann (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Interesting post. I took Chantix for 2-3 months. I quit smoking but now 8 years later I am wondering if my memory loss and moodiness has anything to do with Chantix.

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Re: CH (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I have been dealing with major brain fog and depression for about 2 years and now know it is a direct result of my poor gut health. Try doing an elimination diet for 7 weeks and I bet you will see the fog a depression lift. You can actually feel it lift and its amazing. This means eating only lean protein, veggies and healthy fat. No alcohol or caffeine.

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Re: Munch (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

So weird, im reading all these negative effects and I'm in your boat..i feel better on it. My daughter passed away suddenly 2 years ago, been smoking ever since and diagnosed with anxiety, major depression and ptsd. I quit 46 days ago and haven't even taken 1 hit. Im proud of myself. My dreams are incredibly vivid which can be good or bad.

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I took Champix. It has since erased any ability for me to have short term memory. I wish I had never taken it. It is like a piece of my brain has been taken out.

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Re: Riegan or Rioghann (# 256) Expand Referenced Message

I heard (& read) that the popcorn lung symptom was specifically related to artificial flavorings being used in vape pens (etc)...

So apparently, some companies (at least a couple CBD vape pens I've tried) are starting to use essential oils for flavor instead as a preventative measure.

You can check out the following link for more info on the risks of chemical flavoring:

Hope this helps!

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I too suffer from this mind-altering drug. I took chantix in 2012-13 and it helped me quit smoking. I then took it again in 2014 when I relapsed. This time around I began to feel severely depressed, rage and aggression like I never have before. My mind still suffers to this day. Years later, I still have uncontrollable rage and aggression. I found this thread looking for ways to undo what was done. Cannabis seems to help but I won't be able to pass a U/A, so there goes that. I wish I could go back to before. This drug should be banned.

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I started taking chantix about 5 years ago. I quit for a year and had crazy dreams but it worked. I started back up due to stupidity n went on chantix for 2 years until my insurance stopped filling it because I reached my plan limit. I've been without it for 6 months. Its about 2:30 am here, im dripping sweat because i just actually woke up from another crazy dream. My wife n daughter were being raped n beaten in front of me while i was being held down n beaten with a pipe. I could taste the blood, smell the sweat from the attacker's stink, I could see every pore on his face, the grain in his beard, the yellow buttons on his flannel shirt, hear my girls begging for them to stop n the pipe hitting their teeth when they screamed. I could feel the bones crunch as the sharp fragments pierced through my soft skin. I thought I woke up 3 times only to relive it again and again. These are my chantix dreams. It's been 6 months and I get them every day. I was very much an extrovert n I have a hard time talking to anyone now. It is my belief that this permanently ruined my brain. Please don't take this drug. I wonder how long until the dreams bleed into reality n I just live this nightmare 24/7. It's been 6 months since I had chantix.

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Re: Willow72 (# 257) Expand Referenced Message

Thuja tincture...

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Re: Riegan or Rioghann (# 254) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Reigan, I am glad you seem to be better following the use of Thuja and Rhodiola Rosea and want to try for myself following the use of Champix a year ago. Can you just confirm if the Thuja is a tincture or oil that is mixed with the water please?

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